Tuesday 24 September 2019

Story maps

We invented our own versions of the Georges marvellous medicine story but adding in two new characters.

We planned out our ideas using a story map. 

We retold our story ideas to a partner and the class. 

Grandma gets her medicine

We acted out the "Grandma gets her medicine"
Can you see which characters we are and the point of the story we are at? 

Monday 23 September 2019

PSHE - choices

We chose one of the following scenarios to act out. we had to think of the choice which was made and what consequence the child should face. 

Exercise experiment - PE

Exercise experiment -   
We went around a range of  physical activities for timed 2 min sessions and then we recorded our heart rate after each session for a timed 1 minute.  

  • skipping  
  • star jumps  
  • -running on the spot  
  • hopping on the spot  
  • bouncing a basketball  
  • stretching  

We recorded our own data and discussed which activity made our heart race most. 

Learning logs - Here are what good ones look like!

Learning Logs - Take a look at these learning logs for inspiration!

Friday 13 September 2019

Kindness - PSHCE

We have been modelling great examples of how to be kind around the school.
We have been:
  • Sharing
  • Taking turns
  • Listening
  • Helping each other