We will be:
We will be:
We will be:
Art & DT
We will be:
We will be:
We will be:
We will be finding out about what it is like
in polar regions.
We will be:
We will be:
about why God gave Jesus to the world.
at Bible stories about love.
the Christmas story.
We will be practising our keyboard skills
with a wide range of activities as well as reinforcing our work about keeping
safe online.
We will be:
about fire safety with a visit from the fire service.
about how our behaviour can affect others.
Thursday, 30 October 2014
Our learning for next half term
Friday, 24 October 2014
Happy half term!
Thank you Ash and Walnut Class for a super first half term in Year 2, what a lot of fun we have had! Have a restful and fun half term and we will see you in a week,
Mrs Turner, Mrs Tatman, Mrs Peterson, Mrs Hatcher & Mrs Cundick
Thursday, 23 October 2014
Listen To Me!
We had a Maths challenge in Year 2 this afternoon. First we had to build a tower using coloured cubes. Then, without showing our partner, we had to give them instructions of how to build a tower that would be exactly the same!
What's For Lunch?

Mrs Tatman shared what was in her lunchbox today, and we talked about where the different foods started out. Then we explored some information about the journey of lots of food types.
Can you remember which animal helps to make the yoghurt? What is the main ingredient in bread? How does it get from the fields to Mrs Tatman's cheese sandwich?
Wednesday, 22 October 2014
Painting fruit in the style of Cezanne
We looked carefully at all the different fruit we had been weighing the morning to paint still life in the style of Paul Cezanne. We even carefully balanced all the fruit we had been painting to weigh it - 3.8kg. Well predicted Eve!
Perfect pizza!
Ash class had a very productive morning cooking delicious pizzas! We weighed the different ingredients with some of the pizzas weighing as much as 150g with pineapple being the best ingredient to add some weight to the pizzas. The mushrooms were much too light! You wrote excellent instructions on how to make a pizza and spent time looking at many recipe books hunting for the important bossy words like GRATE, CHOP, PUT. However many of you also looked for adverbs like GENTLY and CAREFULLY.
See if you can look in your cookery books at home for some of these words too.
We finished off the morning with a memory game -- well done to those of you who managed to remember all 8 ingredients of the pizza and tell them to the class in the right order -- very clever! Why don't you try this game out at home too?
See if you can look in your cookery books at home for some of these words too.
We finished off the morning with a memory game -- well done to those of you who managed to remember all 8 ingredients of the pizza and tell them to the class in the right order -- very clever! Why don't you try this game out at home too?
Year 2's Magical (Musical) Mystery Tour!
Come along the the music room to see the display of compositions and pictures from our musical journey...
Spot the weight
The teachers have been raiding their cupboards this week for us to find out about weights. Which of these do you think is heaviest? Are the biggest things always the heaviest?
Can you spot how heavy these items are?
Cheese Straws!
A busy baking morning in Year 2! Ash Class were making pizza and Walnut Class were making cheese straws. Here is the recipe we used as promised:
(Children can you spot the 'bossy verbs'?)
(Children can you spot the 'bossy verbs'?)
220g plain
150g cheddar
110g butter
2 eggs,
1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees C.
2. Grate the cheese using a box grater.
3. Cut the butter into small cubes.
4. Place the butter and flour into a bowl.
5. Rub
the butter and flour between your fingers until it looks and feels like
6. Stir in the cheese.
7. Add the eggs and stir until your mixture
forms a soft dough. It may feel a little
bit sticky.
8. Sprinkle flour onto your work surface.
9. Roll your dough out to about 1cm thick.
10. Use cutters or a knife to make your dough
into any biscuit shape you would like.
11. Place onto a greased baking tray and bake for
ten minutes or until they are golden and crispy.
Walnut Class German Challenge
Inspired by Izzy who was born in Germany, we will be learning some German next half term. To start us off, we have set you some challenges.
How many of the German colour words can you remember?
How many of the German colour words can you remember?

Here is a video of the numbers to ten. Can you challenge yourself to remember them?
Lots of housepoints available to anyone who can meet either or both of these challenges!
Tuesday, 21 October 2014
Je suis une pizza
We will be cooking pizzas in Ash class on Wednesday! This will involve weighing for your maths, instruction writing for your literacy, thinking about where all the ingredients came from in our science topic and then to top it all off we will learn to sing the French Pizza Song!
I wonder how much our pizzas will weigh? I really hope we don't drop them all on the floor which is what happens in the song . . .
I wonder how much our pizzas will weigh? I really hope we don't drop them all on the floor which is what happens in the song . . .
French numbers to 100
By popular request -- here they are! Enjoy going over what we have said in class and remember the maths that goes with some of the numbers.
70 = 60 + 10 so in french it is: soixante dix
80 = 4 x 20 so in french it is: quartre vingts
90 = 80 + 10 so in french it is: quatre vingt dix.
Have fun!
70 = 60 + 10 so in french it is: soixante dix
80 = 4 x 20 so in french it is: quartre vingts
90 = 80 + 10 so in french it is: quatre vingt dix.
Have fun!
Les nombres 1-100
0 zéro
1 un
2 deux
3 trois
4 quatre
5 cinq
6 six
7 sept
8 huit
9 neuf
10 dix
11 onze
12 douze
13 treize
14 quatorze
15 quinze
16 seize
17 dix-sept
18 dix-huit
19 dix-neuf
20 vingt
20 vingt
21 vingt et un
22 vingt-deux
23 vingt-trois
24 vingt-quatre
25 vingt-cinq
26 vingt-six
27 vingt-sept
28 vingt-huit
29 vingt-neuf
30 trente
31 trente et un
32 trente-deux
40 quarante
50 cinquante
60 soixante
70 soixante-dix
71 soixante et onze
72 soixante-douze
73 soixante-treize
74 soixante-quatorze
75 soixante-quinze
76 soixante-seize
77 soixante-dix-sept
78 soixante-dix-huit
79 soixante-dix-neuf
80 quatre-vingts
81 quatre-vingt-un
82 quatre-vingt-deux
83 quatre-vingt-trois
84 quatre-vingt-quatre
85 quatre-vingt-cinq
86 quatre-vingt-six
87 quatre-vingt-sept
88 quatre-vingt-huit
89 quatre-vingt-neuf
90 quatre-vingt-dix
91 quatre-vingt-onze
92 quatre-vingt-douze
93 quatre-vingt-treize
94 quatre-vingt-quatorze
95 quatre-vingt-quinze
96 quatre-vingt-seize
97 quatre-vingt-dix-sept
98 quatre-vingt-dix-huit
99 quatre-vingt-dix-neuf
100 cent
200 deux cents
1000 mille
2000 deux mille
1,000,000 un
2,000,000 deux
Monday, 20 October 2014
Introducing Dimoitou RRS
In Ash Class we now have a new friend from France called Dimoitou. He is a little hippo and we have had fun asking him"Ou Vas Tu?" which means "where are you going?" We are also practising to say "Ca Va?" for "How are you?" and replying "Ca va bien merci", or "Ca va mal" while pulling a sad face and "Comme ci comme ca" for OK.
Pictures of Dimoitou meeting Ash class to follow.
We are trying to find him a cosy place to live in the class too and have plans to make him a cosy house. You will be able to follow the adventures of Dimoitou on our languages tab shortly, as soon as Mrs Peterson has worked out how to do this!
Pictures of Dimoitou meeting Ash class to follow.
We are trying to find him a cosy place to live in the class too and have plans to make him a cosy house. You will be able to follow the adventures of Dimoitou on our languages tab shortly, as soon as Mrs Peterson has worked out how to do this!
How much does your supper weigh?
In Ash Class we are thinking about the weight of the food all around us this week. As you eat your supper tonight -- have a think about how much your supper may weigh as you tuck in. Maybe you can help weigh out a recipe for your family to eat this week.
TOP TIPS: Remember to weigh in kilograms or grams and make sure your weighing scale is pointing at zero before you start.
TOP TIPS: Remember to weigh in kilograms or grams and make sure your weighing scale is pointing at zero before you start.
Sunday, 19 October 2014
Cezanne and still life painting.
We have looked at Seurat and his pointillist style earlier in the term. We will look at the French painter Paul Cezanne and his way of painting still life food pictures. Will you be able to do any better?
Could you arrange your fruit at home like this? How much do you think this fruit weighs?
Could you arrange your fruit at home like this? How much do you think this fruit weighs?
Friday, 17 October 2014
Next Week's Maths
Have a happy weekend.
Help with Number Bonds
Today's episode of Numtums on Cbeebies was all about ways of making ten, (Mrs Turner's own children were watching it)! Have a watch of it here if you get chance and see if you can remember all of the different ways.
Numtums - Find That Flamingo!
Numtums - Find That Flamingo!
Carrot Challenge in Maths
Mrs Tatman's friend needed a bit of advice about how to sort some carrot sticks out for her class.
There are 33 children and she wanted a speedy way of counting to check if she had the right amount. We worked with a partner to try and think of a great way to help her!
Thursday, 16 October 2014
What makes a great learner?
We have been talking a lot about this in Year 2. Tell your grown ups all the different ways that you can 'be the best that you can be'.
60 seconds in Year Two
Each workstation was a different exercise.
It was hard work!
60 seconds seemed like a long time!
How many Star Jumps can you do in a minute? Mrs Tatman couldn't do very many this morning!
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